A Kubota wood chipper is a machine used to break down wood into smaller pieces. It is a popular tool for gardeners, landscapers, and farmers who need to dispose of large amounts of wood waste.

Kubota is a well-known brand that produces a range of wood chippers, including towable diesel wood chippers.

These machines are often used in conjunction with other equipment, such as tractors or trucks, to make the process of wood chipping more efficient.

Kubota Wood Chipper Attachment

While Kubota wood chippers are primarily used for commercial purposes, they can also be used by homeowners who have large amounts of wood waste to dispose of.

In this introduction, we will explore the features and benefits of Kubota wood chippers and how they can be used in various settings.

Kubota Wood Chipper Price

Country New Price   Used Price  
USA $5,000 – $12,000 $3,000 – $8,000
Canada $6,000 – $13,000 $3,500 – $9,000
UK £4,000 – £10,000 £2,500 – £7,000
Australia $7,000 – $15,000 $4,000 – $10,000

Kubota Wood Chipper Specifications

Here’s a quick look at some key specifications:

Specification Details
Horsepower 20-60 HP
Weight 600-1,500 lbs
Dimensions 4-6 feet (length)
2-4 feet (width)

Kubota Wood Chipper Overview

Kubota wood chippers are engineered for efficiency and user-friendliness.

These machines can efficiently turn branches and leaves into valuable mulch for your garden, making them a valuable addition to any outdoor project.

Kubota Wood Chipper Parts

Part Price Range  
Blades $30 – $60 each
Belts $10 – $30 each
Bearings $10 – $20 each
Chains $20 – $40 each
Hopper $150 – $300
Anvil $40 – $80

Kubota Wood Chipper Oil and Capacity

Component Specifications
Engine Oil 10W-30 or 15W-40 engine oil
Oil Capacity Varies by model (typically 1-2 quarts)
Oil Filter Standard automotive oil filter
Oil Change Interval Every 25-50 hours of operation (or as needed)
Oil Price (per gallon) $15 – $30 (approximate)

Kubota Wood Chipper Attachment

Attachment Purpose Price Range 
Vacuum Kit Collects and bags wood chips and debris for easy disposal $100 – $300
Collection Bag Provides a convenient way to collect wood chips during chipping $50 – $100
Hitch Kit Allows easy attachment to tractors or other vehicles $200 – $500
Replacement Blades Extra or specialized blades for different chipping needs $30 – $60 each
Safety Equipment Includes safety goggles, gloves, and hearing protection Varies

Kubota Wood Chipper Problems

Clogging Issues:

  • One of the most frequent headaches is clogging. When the chipper gets jammed with material, it can be frustrating.
  • The solution is relatively simple; remember to feed branches and leaves slowly and cautiously. If it does jam, power off the machine and use a long stick to clear the blockage. Safety first!

Dull Blades:

  • Over time, your blades can become dull, affecting the chipper’s performance.
  • To solve this, sharpen the blades regularly, as mentioned in the user manual. Dull blades not only reduce efficiency but also put extra strain on the engine.

Engine Problems:

  • Sometimes, the engine might sputter or fail to start.
  • Ensure you’re using the right type of fuel and that the spark plug and air filter are in good condition. If the problem persists, consult your local Kubota service center.

Vibrations or Unusual Noises:

  • Unusual vibrations or noises can be disconcerting.
  •  This could be due to loose or damaged parts. Inspect the chipper for any loose components and tighten or replace them as needed.

Hydraulic Issues:

  • If your Kubota Wood Chipper operates using a hydraulic system, you might encounter leaks or pressure problems.
  • Check for hydraulic fluid leaks and consult a professional if you notice any issues with the hydraulic system.

Safety Concerns:

  • While not a problem with the machine itself, safety is a significant concern.
  • Always follow safety guidelines, wear protective gear, and keep bystanders at a safe distance. Ignoring safety measures can lead to accidents and injuries.

Inadequate Maintenance:

  • Neglecting regular maintenance can lead to a range of problems.
  • Be sure to follow the maintenance schedule in the user manual, change the oil when necessary, and keep the chipper clean and well-lubricated.


  • Overheating can damage the engine and other components.
  • Ensure proper ventilation and cooling, and avoid overloading the chipper. If it continues to overheat, consult a professional.

Uneven Chip Size:

  • Sometimes, the chipper might produce uneven chip sizes.
  • This could be due to inconsistent feed or dull blades. Pay attention to your feeding technique and maintain sharp blades for a more uniform outcome.

Electrical Issues:

  • If your Kubota Wood Chipper has electrical components like safety sensors or controls, you might face issues related to wiring or connections. Regularly inspect the electrical components and wiring for any damage.

Kubota Wood Chipper Review

Kubota wood chippers are renowned for their durability, reliability, and top-notch performance. They find favor with both homeowners and professional landscapers, offering a range of models to cater to diverse needs and budgets.

Among the most popular Kubota wood chippers is the BX42S. This particular chipper is well-suited for homeowners with small to medium-sized properties. With a 4-inch chipping capacity and the capability to handle branches up to 4 inches in diameter, it proves to be highly effective.

Additionally, the BX42S is relatively lightweight and easy to maneuver, making it an excellent choice for users of all experience levels.

Full review YouTube video check here.

FAQs about Kubota Wood Chipper

1. How often should I sharpen the blades?

  • Blades should be sharpened every 25-50 hours of operation, or as needed.

2. Can I use the wood chips as mulch?

  • Yes, Kubota wood chippers produce high-quality mulch that’s perfect for landscaping.

3. Are these chippers easy to transport?

  • Kubota chippers come with built-in handles and wheels for easy transportation.

4. Can I use the chipper on wet or green wood?

  • It’s recommended to avoid wet or green wood, as it can lead to clogging and blade dulling.

5. How do I clean and maintain my chipper?

  • Regularly clean the chipper and follow the manufacturer’s maintenance guidelines.

6. Can I rent a Kubota Wood Chipper?

  • Yes, many equipment rental companies offer Kubota wood chipper rentals.

7. Are Kubota Wood Chippers eco-friendly?

  • They are designed to be fuel-efficient, reducing emissions.

8. What safety precautions should I take when using the chipper?

  • Always wear safety gear, follow operating instructions, and keep bystanders at a safe distance.

9. How do I troubleshoot common problems like clogging?

  • Refer to the user manual for troubleshooting steps, or consult a professional if needed.

10. Are Kubota Wood Chippers covered by a warranty?

Kubota typically offers a limited warranty on their equipment. Check with your dealer for details.


the Kubota Wood Chipper is a powerful and reliable tool for transforming yard waste into valuable mulch. Whether you’re a professional landscaper or a DIY enthusiast, this machine is worth considering.

So, why wait? 🌿 Invest in a Kubota Wood Chipper today and make your outdoor projects a breeze! Happy chipping! 🌳🌞

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